Here's a new slideshow from May. There are pictures Peter's baptism (May 20, 2012 -- same date as Dominic's!) with Fr. Jeffrey Njus at St. Anthony's in Hillsdale. Then we had a lovely visit from our dear friends Patrick and Erica Ford and their two children, Sebastian (4) and Evelyn (10 months). And I also included some pictures of my garden shortly after I planted it and all the flowers I planted in the front of our house.
There is also a short video capturing a milestone for Peter. At 7 weeks, he's 10 lbs and seems long, although I haven't measured him recently so I have no idea. He remains a fairly calm baby who enjoys long sessions of cuddling.
There is also a short video capturing a milestone for Peter. At 7 weeks, he's 10 lbs and seems long, although I haven't measured him recently so I have no idea. He remains a fairly calm baby who enjoys long sessions of cuddling.