Sunday, August 26, 2012


The kids just watched Pocahontas I last night and were so upset when John Smith sailed away in the boat that I let them watch Pocahontas II tonight to have some closure.  The movie ends and Cate comes upstairs bawling, suspecting the usual sadness that comes when a fun thing is over, I patronizingly comfort her.  "It's okay, sweetheart.  All done.  Wasn't that fun?" "But, (sniff), I didn't (sniff) like it (sniff, sniff).  She didn't get married (big sniffs that resolve in more tears)."

Oh Cate, how I love you.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Video Time!

Peter is now four months old and quite a ham.  This is a little video of Peter's first time in the high chair.  He's not eating yet, but he sure loves to be up by the action and "talking".

Dominic and Cate dancing with their best friends, Margaret and Edith.

The first minute captures Peter rolling and cooing.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bathroom Reveal

We have had our contractor, Ed Zoll and his assistant, Joe, here for the last week and half renovating our main bathroom.  It was one of the areas of our house that we knew desperately needed to be redone at some point.  Well, that point came sooner than we anticipated when the tub began leaking through to the bathroom below, tiles threatening to fall off the wall (causing us to live with window plastic taped up over it for a while), and old brown toilet squealing unprovoked at two am.  So here is a slideshow of the Before, the After, and everything in between.  We are extremely pleased with how everything turned out.  We have a plan to eventually get rid of all the brown tile (and probably add bead board and chair rail) and update the vanity a bit (new faucets, paint, and hardware) but for now, we are very, very happy with the update.

