Sunday, November 22, 2009

Matt is Now 27

I hope you have all gasped at the fact my title has revealed. Some will gasp because Matthew Gaetano is already 27, well on his way to 30, over half-way to 50, and 1/4 of the way to 100. How fast it went. He's so old! How can this be?

Quite naturally, others will gasp because he is only 27. He is nearing the completion of his Ph.D., is married, and has two children. I remember when he was born. I remember his piano recitals. I remember him skipping around the house. How can this be?

So, thanks to Matt's wonderful Aunt Pat, this is a little blast into my dear husband's past.


  1. that was so much fun to look at Matt's younger pictures and years!
    Thanks Amy and Pat.

  2. When Lana and her cousins were younger I gave each of them a notebook and took them to a museum. They were give the task of going into each room, scanning the room, finding the picture they like the most and writing the artist, title and why they like the picture in their notebook. It was so much fun!! I couldn't believe how much they seemed to enjoy the process. We would spend a 10-15 minutes in each room in the museum - but the girls would really be focusing on that one piece. And when we were done we were energized and excited to go to the next room. It was so long ago - but I think I am going to give that a try again...
